Enchant Limit
The following items have been added to Special Craft
Hero Circlet can be purchased for Giran Seals (Enchant Limit +5)
Venir can be compounded to Lv. 15
Current event will end, and Monster Heart will no longer drop from monsters. NPC will remain in town for you to exchange your event items.
A new event begins, purchase Master Yogi weapons in Special Craft, enchant them, and exchange for your chosen rewards! Every item has a limit on how much you can take of it.
First lootboxes have been added to the game!
43.645074, -115.993081 Chest
Price: 25 L-Coins
Daily Limit: 800
43.645074, -115.993081 Chest Bundle (Can be purchased in L2Store)
Price: 3.99 In-Game balance
Amount: 500
Account Limit: 5
- Weapon Appearance coupon has been added to L2Store, you can exchange it to a weapon appearance in Game Assistant
- Costumes coupon has been added to L2Store, you can exchange it to a costume appearance in Game Assistant
Random Craft
Random Craft has been updated, new items added:
- A-grade enchant scrolls
- Low A-grade Weapons
- Low A-grade Armors
- Aden's Soul Crystal - Weapon
- Aden's Soul Crystal - Armor
- Hardin
- Lilith Doll Card Lv. 1
- Anakim Doll Card Lv. 1
- Antharas Doll Card Lv. 1
- Spellbook 1* Chest
Vampiric Adjustments
A few experimental changes have been done with vampiric.
Vampiric trigger chance from Items by default has a chance for it to be triggered which is 65%. Meaning if you have NM L Gloves / Boots = 4% of Vampiric, there is a 65% chance with every attack that you will drain 4% of your damage dealt as HP. The chance of trigger on vampiric from items has been reduced from 65% → 25%
Vampiric while character is flagged has currently been nerfed by 70%. Meaning if you would normally drain 10'000 HP under normal circumstances, while flagged you would only drain 3'000 HP. That nerf has been adjusted, and will now only be nerfed by 25% while the character is flagged. Meaning that if normally you would drain 10'000 HP under normal circumstances, while flagged you will drain 7'500 HP.
Other Changes
- Fixed Rush skill on Blade Dancer class, couldn't learn Lv. 3
- Increased Experience acquired from monsters in Primeval Isle (Lv. 83)
- Dream Dungeon (Gustav) / Dwelling of Spirits / Frintezza will now drop items even with level penalty
- Added some missing bosses to DKP system
- Priest / Epic bosses level increased by 10
- Increased amount of clan members that a clan can have to 150
- Added command channel limit of 150 members
- Enabled augmentation of Hero Circlet
- From now on to Trade your character must have at least 650 Gear Score
- Poison Blade Dance (Blade Dancer skill) can now deal critical damage