Update #27

Update #27

Item Upgrade

Jewells Can now be compounded to Blessed Jewells. To compound you will need Lv. 8 (2 pcs). Success chance 50%


A new lootbox has been added to the game.

SickSickSick Chest A Price: 70 L-Coins
Daily Purchase Limit: No Limit

SickSickSick Chest B Price: 300'000 Adena
Daily Purchase Limit: No Limit

Upon opening the SickSickSick Chest one of the following items will be acquired:



 60'000 L-Coins. Have been adjusted, from now on, they will give 120'000 L-Coins.

SickSickSick Chest B Bundle has been added to L2Store, received amount of lootboxes has been increased to 6000 lootboxes per bundle.

SickSickSick Chest Bundle Price: 3.99$
Account Purchase Limit: 5
Amount of Chests inside of 1 Bundle: 6000

120'000 L-Coin Price: 2.99$
Account Purchase Limit: 10

Special Craft


  • Added Talisman of Heaven craft for Giran Seals
  • Added Scroll: Enchant Talisman of Baium craft for Energy of Insolence
  • Added Improved Scroll: Enchant A-grade Weapon craft for Giran Seals
  • Added Improved Scroll: Enchant A-grade Armor craft for Giran Seals
  • Added Cursed Scroll: Enchant A-grade Weapon craft for Giran Seals
  • Added Cursed Scroll: Enchant A-grade Armor craft for Giran Seals

Game Assistant


  • Reinforced Jewells Lv. 1 can now be exchanged into Lv. 5 Reinforced Jewells in Game Assistant → Enhancement and Services → Item Transformation → Jewels



  • Talisman of Heaven packages can now be enchanted
  • Sagittarius PVE Damage slightly reduced
  • Ghost Sentinel PVE Damage slightly reduced
  • Moonlight Sentinel PVE Damage slightly reduced