Friday Update #1

Friday Update #1

Jack O'Lantern Chest

Chest Price: 100 L-Coins
Daily Purchase Limit: 350 Chests per account

A first chest has been added to the server. The main purpose of the chest is to provide our players with the necessary consumables to make sure their adventure is comfortable. Also we understand that with a new Crafting System alone, it will take a long time for regular players to learn important skills, therefore we have created a new item Infernal Seal, that you will receive upon opening lootboxes. 

When double clicking the Infernal Seal you can trade them for the spellbook of your choice:

Item Required Received Item
Infernal Seal (3500 pcs.) 1* Spellbook (Sealed)
Infernal Seal (7000 pcs.) 2* Spellbook (Sealed)

Upon opening the Jack O'Lantern Chest one of the following items will be acquired:

Special Craft

A new item has been added to the server Einhasad's Pendant. It can be crafted in Special Craft for Giran Seals. 
Compound Limit Level 3


The first Olympiad period will begin next week. Registration to olympiad is available during the following days: Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays 19:00 server time, until 20:00 server time. Hero can be claimed on Sunday 12:00 server time.

We have made the following changes to Olympiad system to be more appropriate to the current stage of the server:

1st Period 2nd Period 3rd Period
Passive Skill: Received All Stats +1 Passive Skill: Received All Stats +2  Passive Skill: Received All Stats +3
Removed Lv.1 Dolls from Olympaid Shop N / A Added Lv.1 Dolls to Olympaid Shop
Special HP Recovery Potions removed from missions rewards N / A Special HP Recoverys Potion added to mission rewards

Claiming a Victory in Olympaid Match will also reward you with: Ancient Adena (25 pcs.)
Losing in Olympiad Match will also reward you with: Ancient Adena (10 pcs.)

More information about Olympiad can be found in About ServerFeatures, and scroll down until you find Olympiad section.