Current Campfire event will end, and with that all event items such as Flint, Wood, and Campfire will be deleted.
A new event begins. A survivor from recent raid on Gran Kain can be found in Rune Township, speak to him to trade Monster Hearts into Gran Kain Chest.
Monster Heart is now dropping from monsters. Can be dropped every 20 sec, daily account limit 1800.
Gran Kain Chest can be acquired from Event NPC in Rune Township.
Class Change
We had no intention on introducing Class Change coupons any time soon. But at the same time there is no logic in punishing people who made a mistake with their class choice, or simply want to try something else. Instead of people losing motivation, and quitting the game, we are introducing class change much sooner than anticipated, this way allowing people to try different classes. Such game concept has never been seen before, therefore it was easy to make a mistake in your class choice.
What happens after class change?
- After Class Change your total character experience is reduced by 20%
- The following classes only lose 10% of total experience: Shillien Elder, Bishop, Elven Elder, Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight
- After Class Change, all your skills learned for spellbooks, are refunded to you in a form of Sealed Spellbook
- After Class Change, all your enchanted skills are refunded to you in the form of Skil Enchant Charging Stones
- To perform class change you will require Class Change Coupon that can be purchased from L2Store
Special Craft
A new item has been added to Special Craft for Giran Seals.
Agathions can be enchanted to +7
Other Changes
- Fixed Servitors having wrong stats at certain levels
- First Fortress Siege begins this Sunday (17/11/2024)
- Olympiad begins next week (21/11/2024)