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Update #16 decoration
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Enchant Limit

The following items enchant limit has been increased

Piercing Mask can now be enchanted to +7

Talisman of Authority can now be enchanted to +7 (Can be made blessed in Special Craft)


Other Changes

  1. Ancient Adena shop has been updated, and Ancient Adena deleted from all players
  2. Attendance Check has been refreshed and rewards updated
  3. L-Coin drop and daily limit has been increased by 20% from Lv. 83
  4. Death Knight skill Wipeout when enchanted to +2 will no longer count as AOE skill, but PVE damage of the skill has been reduced by 30%
  5. Added Random Craft recharge stones to L-Coin shop for adena (Daily limit 100)
  6. Amount of players needed to enter Frintezza has been reduced from 20 to 10
  7. Amount of plaeyrs needed to enter Dwelling Spirits has been reduced from 20 to 10
  8. Increased levle of monsters inside Dream Dungeon
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