Enchant Limits
Agathions can be enchanted to +9 (Can be purchased for Giran Seals in Special Craft)
Talisman of Speed can be enchanted to +7 (Can be purchased for Adena in Adena Store)
Dolls can be compounded to Lv. 3 (using the old compounding system) (Queen Ant, Orfen, Zaken, Baium, Frintezza and Core)
New Hunting Grounds
New Hunting Grounds has been added:
- Melat Lizardmen Lands
- Dragon Valley (Innear East)
- Angel Waterfall
More Hunting Grounds will follow next week with both new AOE spots and new single target spots.
- L-Coin event has ended and will come back in the future!
- Christmas events will continue for another week, new events and lootboxes will be released next friday!
- Increased Epic Raidbosses HP
- Increased Adena drop amount in Bee Hive Upper
- Enabled Speed Talisman Collection (+0/+5/+7)
Class Balance
Class Balance update is being finalized, final tests are being done at this moment, so the update will not make it into this Friday update. It will release as soon as it is finished, around Sunday.
Most of the classes will be touched and adjusted, this will be the one of the biggest class balance updates EIGIS has seen.
Also on the day of Class Balance Update we will also open a test server for everyone to enter where we will migrate all characters from Odyssey once a week so you can log in and test your desired class before rerolling on LIVE server, that server will have OBT NPC so you can easily change your items/class/level and other important aspects.
More information on that in Class Balance Update.