Infernal Bonus Server Information

Infernal Bonus Server Information

Character Progression

As usual, slaying monsters your character will receive both L-Coins and Resurrection Coins. Your character cannot have more than 10'000 Resurrection Coins, and there is a limit on how many L-Coins your character can obtain by killing monsters a day. The limit exists to remove the difference between the people who can play 24 hours a day, and those who can't. As now the limit is reached in 12 hours, making a character that farmed for 12 hours, and a character who farmed for 24 hours equal in that matter. 

Character Level L-Coins received L-Coin Daily Limit Resurrection Coins received
1 - 79 32 69,120 4
80 36 77.760 4
81 40 86,400 4
82 44 95,040 4
83 48 103,680 4
84 52 112,320 4
85 56 120,960 4
86 60 129,600 4
87 64 138,240 4
88 68 146,880 4
89 72 155,520 4
90 80 172,800 4
91 86 185,760 4
92 92 198,720 4
93 98 211,680 4
94 104 224,640 4
95 110 237,600 4

Premium Account


Premium Account can be activated by purchasing Premium Account Coupon from L2Store and double-clicking the coupon. The coupon can be bought maximum 3 times a month from one account, and it is also tradeable.

Premium Account provides the following:

  • XP/SP +15%
  • Sayha's Grace XP +15%
  • Limited Sayha's Grace XP +15%
  • Adena Drop Amount +30%  +100%
  • Adena Drop Chance 70% 100%
  • Drop Rate +20%
  • Spoil Rate +20%
  • L-Coin Drop Count +3
  • Resurrection Coin Drop Count +1
  • XP Lost on Death -50%
  • Resurrection w/o penalty cost -50%
  • Random craft points from herbs +50%
  • Activates daily login bonus

Enchant Limits

Cloak of Protection +7 Limit (Can be obtaind from L-Coin shop)

 Talisman of Aden +7 Limit (Can be obtaind from L-Coin shop)

   Dragon Belt +4 Limit (Can be obtaind from L-Coin shop)

 Hero Circlet +4 Limit (Can be obtaind from L-Coin shop)

 Talisman of Eva +4 Limit (Can be obtaind from L-Coin shop for Adena only)

Talisman of Speed +4 Limit (Can be obtaind from L-Coin shop for Adena only)

Talisman of Venir Lv. 10 Limit (Can be obtaind from Special Craft for Adena only)

Agathions +6 Limit (Can be obtaind from Settling Kit: Agathion only)

Reinforced Jewells Lv. 4 Limit (Can be obtaind from Settling Kit: Jewel only)

Agathion Bracelet Lv. 4 Limit (Can be obtaind from L-Coin shop)

Talisman Bracelet Lv. 4 Limit (Can be obtaind from L-Coin shop)

Brooch Lv. 4 Limit (Can be obtaind from L-Coin shop)

Aden's Soul Crystal - Armor Lv. 6 Limit (Can be obtaind from group dungeons / training zone)

Aden's Soul Crystal - Weapon Lv. 8 Limit (Can be obtaind from group dungeons / training zone / solo bosses)

Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 8 Limit (Can be obtaind from group dungeons / training zone)

Item Packs

We have adjusted Agathion and Jewel settling kits, making them available for purchase only from Lv. 80. This way, we want to make sure that people have enough time to farm enough L-Coins to buy them by the time they reach Lv. 80, instead of having people play without them, whereas someone who can spend money, would simply buy them from the start of the server.

Starter Kit can be bought in L-Coin shop for 8000 L-Coins.

Settling Kit: Upgrading can be bought in L-Coin shop for 8000 L-Coins.

Settling Kit: Agathion can be bought in L-Coin shop for 8000 L-Coins. (Can only be bought from Lv. 80)

Settling Kit: Jewel can be bought in L-Coin shop for 6000 L-Coins. (Can only be bought from Lv. 80)


Starter Packs are designed to provide players an easier start, and also involves certain items for better value. 

Starter Pack (Low) can be bought in L2Store for $10 In-Game balance.

Starter Pack (Mid) can be bought in L2Store for $20 In-Game balance.

Starter Pack (High) can be bought in L2Store for $30 In-Game balance.

L-8000 Increased the amount of received L-Coins 8000 → 16'000

L-2000 Increased the amount of received L-Coins 2000 → 4000


Item Progression

Since L-Coin farm is increased by x2, and there is a safe enchant feature added to the server, enchant limits and new items will most likely be introduced to server every 3 days. We believe introducing items and increasing enchant limits by a little bit, but often, rather than once a week, but by a lot, is a better approach. 

Since there will be no epic bosses, the best way to improve your character will be through group dungeon, hellgates, and lootboxes.

Also reaching a particular level you will receive the following items:

Level 80 - Spellbook Coupon 1* (1 pcs)
Level 83 - Spellbook Coupon 2* (1 pcs)
Level 85 - Spellbook Coupon 3* (1pcs)

Safe Enchant

Safe Enchant system makes sure you have a stable enchanting without huge dependance on RNG. Upon failing a certain item multiple times the Safe Enchant system bar will fill up and the next item (of the same kind and enchant value) will be enchanted with 100% success.

How does it work? To make it easier to explain, let's say you have an item that has 10% chance to be succesfully enchanted. Mathematically you need to enchant this item 10 times to succeed once, as 10% x 10 = 100% but it's not how it works. When enchanting 10 items with 10% success rate, it is possible to succesfully enchant 2 or 3 or even more items, but its also possible to fail them all. Having a safe enchant means, if you fail 10 times, the next enchant will be 100% successful. If the item has 20% Enchant chance, then it takes 5 fails for the next to be 100% and so on...

Now if you do succeed to enchant your item when you have 4/6 fails for example, the bar will reset as you have managed to enchant the item for less than 100%.

NOTE: Safe enchant feature is disabled for rare items such as Rare Accessories and Dolls.

Hidden Power & Dyes

Dye Booster & Hidden Power Booster drops when slaying monsters, also it will be added to the very first lootbox. 

Hidden Power can now be upgraded 20 60 times daily. As main server is just over 3 months old, in a month you will be able to do 3 months of progress on hidden power. 

Class Change

Class Change Coupons will be added two weeks after server start, it will not require any experience, only the coupon will be needed. 

Also upon class change, if you have any enchanted skills, you will acquire Skill enchantment stones. If you had 1* skill enchanted  to +2, then you will acquire a Skill Enchant Charging Stone - 1 Star +2, and by using the stone, you will be able to enchant any 1* skill back to +2 with 100% success chance. 

Special Hunting Grounds


  • Elmoraden Tower (Enabled from server start)
  • Aztacan's Temple (Enabled from server start)
  • Antharas Lair (Enabled from server start)
  • Hellbound (Will be enabled when appropriate amount of players reach Lv. 85)
  • Celestial Tower (Will be enabled when we see the server is ready for it)
  • Frost Lord (Will be enabled when we see the server is ready for it)
  • Kelbim Forterss & Pagan's Temple (Will be enabled when we see the server is ready for it)

Crafting System

Crafting System will be sped up in bonus server, meaning Special Armor pieces, Spellbook pieces, Boss Weapon pieces and Crafting Stones will be introduced to server in greater amounts to increase the speed of character progression.

Class Balance

We believe that class balance on start of infernal server couldn't have been done any better. Therefore, for bonus server we will use the same class balance that was on the start of infernal server. The only difference is that mages will keep all the changes that they have received throughout infernal server. The balance may be adjusted during Open Beta Server. 

To find out more information, we highly suggest to check out previous class balance announcement that was done for the infernal server. and scroll down to class balance.

Liberty Feature


Fragment of Liberty can be purchased in Special Craft, with daily account limit 20 40

Talisman of Liberty can be purchased in Special Craft for Adena

Scroll of Liberty can be purchased in Special Craft, in order to purchase the scroll, you will need to trade in +5 Talisman of Liberty


A Scroll of Liberty is used to craft Lv. 2 Dolls (Sealed), and Rare Accessories (Sealed). To obtain a Scroll of Liberty you will need to trade a +5 Talisman of Liberty, which can be enchanted using Fragments of Liberty. You can only purchase 20 40 fragments a day. We could have simply added a straight forward craft for dolls, rare accessories, but then people could easily craft as much as they like, even if we added a limit for them of being able to craft 1 a day, they would still be able to craft 1 for every item.

Enchanting Talisman of Liberty, if your enchant fails, the talisman does not dissapear. Also with every time the enchant fails, the success rate for next enchant increases by 5%

Also if we feel like the server is progressing too slow, it is very likely that liberty fragments will be introduced to lootboxes, to make sure the server is meeting progression expectations. 


For new players we highly suggest to read all the information about us, including hellgates so you have a better understanding about them. Hellgates is basically a location that opens a few times a day, where you will most likely farm better experience and adena compared to your usual location, and also using the items that you drop from monsters, you can open your chosen chests whether its Armor chest, Weapon chest, or Accessory chest and acquire extra items.

Weapon Chest

Item Received Chance
Top A-grade Weapon 71.4%
Boss Weapon 0.5%
Aden's Soul Crystal - Weapon Lv. 1 (30 pcs) 20%
Aden's Soul Crystal - Weapon Lv. 6 (1 pcs) 2.1%

Armor Chest

Item Received Chance
Top A-grade Armor +5 69.4%
Special Armor 0.5%
Aden's Soul Crystal - Armor Lv. 1 (20 pcs) 20%
Aden's Soul Crystal - Armor Lv. 6 (1 pcs) 2.1%

Accessory Chest

Item Received Chance
Liberty Fragments (10 pcs) 15%
Ancient Adena (300 pcs) 30%
L-Coins (16000 pcs) 54.772%
Core Ring (Sealed) 0.05%
Orfen Earring (Sealed) 0.04%
Queen Ant Ring (Sealed) 0.04%
Zaken Earring (Sealed) 0.03%
Baium Ring (Sealed) 0.02%
Frintezza Necklace (Sealed) 0.018%
Beleth Ring (Sealed) 0.015%
Scroll: Enchant Sealed Rare Accessories (Sealed) 0.015%


Will i be able to play on both servers at the same time? 
Yes you can play on both servers at the same time, but on different accounts.

What happens if i play on the same account on bonus server? 
If you already have an account created on infernal server, that account will be banned on the new bonus server.

What if there is a same nickname on both servers? 
After merge the character that is higher level has priority and keeps the nickname, the other character is asked to changed the nickname before he enters the game.

What happens with items after merge? 
Most items suchas Rare accessories and Dolls, will become sealed. For currency such as Adena, all players will be given time to spend their adena before merge, as there will be a limit of how much adena will be transfered after merge.

What about bosses? 
Most character progression will come from updated for bonus server group dungeons, lootboxes, and hellgates. Even though Epic Bosses will be deleted from the game, casual bosses such as field bosses in Ancient Battleground, Tower of Insolence, Ferion, Elmoraden Lady, Knoriks, Roaming Bosses, Hellgates bosses, will remain in the game.

Ancient Adena? 
As usual there are missions that give Ancient Adena as reward, but in bonus server Ancient Adena will be mostly farmed through events.

What about collection? 
Collection chests will be added to Solo Bosses, Group Dungeons, Solo Dungeons, and very likely to lootboxes.

Will Keber be enabled from server start? 
No Keber is completely over powered for server start race, it will be enabled about two weeks after server start.

A-grade items on server start? 
We could add such items for reaching a certain level, for example reach lv. 80 and get x3 A-grade weapon coupons. BUT we want you to work for it. Group dungeon drop will be increased so it will not be difficult to gear yourself up in A-grade, but even with A-grade items on server start, we want you to get it yourselves from the game, instead of acquiring it for simply leveling up and not doing anything. 

Learning 1* - 3* skills? 
All players will receive one of each for reaching certain levels, but also they will be mostly acquired through group dungeon, and lootboxes.