Update #18

Update #18

Item Upgrade

Agathions can now be enchanted up to +10 (Egg Agathion cannot be compounded into valakas yet)

Dyes can now be compounded to Lv. 30 (Limit removed)



The current event has ended, meaning monsters will no longer drop Cooking Ingredients. But the NPC will remain in town so you can exchange your event items. A new event begins! Monsters will start dropping Spirit Beads every 20 seconds, a daily account limit 1800. Spirit Beads can be used to participate in the game with Haughty Rat, that can be found in Rune Township.


A new lootbox has been added to the game, it's price for Adena has been increased x2, but also Giran Seal amount you receive from them has been increased x2 as well. Also we planned on adding some rare accessories to the new chest, but we realised that by doing so, some people will be lucky to receive them, and some won't be as lucky. Therefore we simply increased the chance to receive Liberty Scroll by x2!

Hru Hru Chest A Price: 70 L-Coins
Daily Purchase Limit: 700 Chests per account

Hru Hru Chest B Price: 300'000 Adena
Daily Purchase Limit: 1500 Chests per account

Upon opening the Hru Hru Chest one of the following items will be acquired:


 24'000 L-Coins were reset, meaning you can purchase them again. Also increased the amount of L-Coins from 24'000 to 30'000

Hru Hru Chest Bundle has been added to L2Store

Hru Hru Chest Bundle Price: 3.99$
Account Purchase Limit: 5
Amount of Chests inside of 1 Bundle: 750

30'000 L-Coin Price: 2.99$
Account Purchase Limit: 10

Class Balance

 [Spectral Dancer] Fatal Slasher Cooldown has been adjusted 10 sec  → 2 sec. Increased the chance to trigger when attacking 30%  → 70%. Also increased the power of the skill, and added ability to deal critical strike.

 [Spectral Dancer & Sword Muse] Deadly Strike Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the skill to cooldown twice

 [Spectral Dancer] Dance of Berserker Increased PVE Damage 10% → 15%

 [Sword Muse] Song of Vitality Increased PVE Damage 10% → 15%

 [Doombringer] Death Pain Cooldown has been adjusted 10 sec → 2 sec. Also land rate to monsters has been increased to 100%

 [Kamael Race] Shadow Veil Added a new effect PvE Damage +15%

 [Elemental Master] Unicorn Guard Adjusted stats of the servitor, increased defense and health. Also the main AOE skill of the servitor has been fixed, now dealing damage. Cooldown of the main aoe skill has been adjusted 10 sec → 3 sec

 [Spectral Master] Lord Raise Adjusted stats of the servitor, increased defense and health. Also the main AOE skill of the servitor has been fixed, now dealing damage. Cooldown of the main aoe skill has been adjusted 10 sec → 3 sec

 [Arcana Lord] Cat Emperor Adjusted stats of the servitor, increased defense and health. Also the main AOE skill of the servitor has been fixed, now dealing damage. Cooldown of the main aoe skill has been adjusted 10 sec → 3 sec

 [Summoners] Ethereal Strike Now deals 2 additional hits, but they are 50% weaker.

 [Shillien Templar] Condemnation Cooldown has been adjusted, it's now 30 sec. and chance to paralyze the target slightly increased.

 [Sagittarius] Legendary Shot Fixed a bug that during Legendary Shot buff, the character made 2 additional hits, instead of 1. 

[Tanks]  Slightly increased PVE Damage



  • Attendance Check has been updated
  • Mission Level rewards have been updated
  • Monsters inside Hellbound & Steel Citadel have been updated